江苏科技信息 ›› 2015, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (14): 59-60.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-7530.2015.14.029

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王昆, 王慧华, 闵敏   

  1. 淮安市清浦区电教中心,江苏淮安,223001;海南航空北京分公司,北京,100013;淮安市清浦区机关事务管理中心,江苏淮安,223001
  • 出版日期:2015-05-15 发布日期:2015-05-15

Application of Variable Factory Pattern in Data Summarization

Wang Kun, Wang Huihua, Min Min   

  • Online:2015-05-15 Published:2015-05-15

摘要: 文章通过简要分析数据汇总的概念、应用场景、实际意义,列举传统编程方法的不足,进而介绍设计模式中工厂模式的原理,说明其在软件设计中必须做到的“低内聚高耦合”原则中所起的作用。最后文章提出应用“变异工厂模式”进行模块设计的方法,并说明了该方法的封装性、可扩展性等优点。

关键词: 工厂模式, 数据表

Abstract: This paper analyses the concept, application scenarios, practical meaning of data summarization briefly, then introduces the theory of factory pattern in design pattern, aiming to explain its functions in the principle of“low cohesion high coupling”, which must be abided in software design. Finally, the paper puts forward the methods of applying “variable factory pattern” to module design and illustrates its advantages, such as encapsulation, expandability,and so on.