江苏科技信息 ›› 2015, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (9): 25-28.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-7530.2015.09.001

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  1. 苏州市生产力促进中心,江苏苏州,215000
  • 出版日期:2015-03-25 发布日期:2015-03-25

Study on the Actual Operation of the Alcalde Team of Science and Technology in Suzhou

Ma Huaiqun   

  • Online:2015-03-25 Published:2015-03-25

摘要: 选派科技镇长团,是江苏省委、省政府推动科技管理工作重心下移、着力构建区域技术创新体系、切实提高基层自主创新能力的一项重要举措。科技镇长团已经成为苏州市推动人才向基层集聚、激发基层科技创新活力的重要组织形式。这些来自全国高校的智囊团积极投身于任职地区或单位的人才、科技工作,把脉地方镇企人才需求,积极促进校地合作,不断搭建创新载体与平台,助推了苏州经济持续繁荣发展。与此同时,在具体实践中,苏州市科技镇长团工作不断进行反思与总结,科技镇长团的工作机制仍有亟待完善的空间。文章对苏州市科技镇长团工作现状进行了分析并提出了改进建议。

关键词: 科技镇长团, 工作现状, 问题分析, 改进建议

Abstract: Appointing the“Alcalde Team of Science and Technology”to grass-roots is an important policy move of Ji?angsu Provincial Committee of CPC and Government, which endeavors to transfer S&T management to the county lev?el, enhance its self-innovation ability and build a regional innovation system. The“Alcalde Team of Science and Tech?nology”has become an important measure in Suzhou to accumulate talents to grassroots and stimulate its STI vitality. The university think-tank have actively devoted themselves to work, located the demands of county enterprises in tal?ents, built innovation platforms, promoted the cooperation between universities and enterprises and boosted the sustain?able development of economic growth in Suzhou. At the same time, the alcalde team of science and technology keeps self-examining their work all the time, so as to improve the work mechanism.