江苏科技信息 ›› 2016, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (5): 41-43.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-7530.2016.05.027

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  1. 高邮市交通产业投资有限公司,江苏高邮,225600
  • 出版日期:2016-02-15 发布日期:2016-02-15

Study on the Application of Asphalt Pavement Renewable Technology in Road Construction

Yang Xiaochun   

  • Online:2016-02-15 Published:2016-02-15

摘要: 沥青道路经过长期使用,会出现路面老化、抗温效果减弱等不良现象,严重时路面出现凹凸不平和裂缝等现象。沥青路面的不良现象严重制约着车辆的安全出行。因此,文章对沥青路面再生技术进行研究,以期解决我国沥青道路在使用中出现的问题。

关键词: 道路工程施工, 沥青路面, 再生技术

Abstract: After long-term use, asphalt pavement is constantly aging, and its anti-temperature effect will be reduced, and more seriously road sags and crests and cracks appear. The bad condition of asphalt pavement seriously restricts the safe travel of vehicles. Therefore, the article researches on the asphalt pavement renewable technology in order to solve the problems in the use of asphalt pavement.